Material Planning

Faster, with higher quality, better price, fewer inputs and less hurdles

The Material Planning Department operates below the umbrella of Supply Chain Management. It starts after the project is awarded to Royal Steel via the Material Planning and Control Department.

The department is liable for the control and making plans of the supply chain process in regards to raw substances, fasteners, and other special buyouts and is processed through the Material Planning and Control Department. The sufficient amount of raw materials at an acceptable quality and price will ensure that the strategic and operational objectives of the firm are achieved.

Material planning is likewise accountable for tracking cloth orders of each mission intently through weekly monitoring reviews until the materials are completely received at the shop. This effective "Material Tracking Report" is used for planning the fabrication of all projects, and to update clients about the repute in their initiatives as well.

Mainly we focus on

a)Close involvement and coordination with the Purchasing Department of Supply Chain Management inside the sourcing method and choice of top of the line providers whose transport dates satisfy the task's necessities.

b)Close involvement with the Project Management in forecasting the month-to-month manufacturing, main to the right planning of sourcing the material.